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ゲームプレイ未処理2023-09-09 23:422023-09-18 06:25
テスターmanokori担当者 ソースsega/vicdual.cpp
セット carnival
carnival - カーニバル (アップライト筐体, AY8912 music)
概 要最後のパイプの色がおかしい。
詳 細When the two last remaining pipes are shooted consecutively (meaning no other bullet shot inbetween) the second one gives the displayed score but not *4 like when this is done while there are still remaining pipes.
It's hard to succeed since you need to be able to hit the two last same color pipes with two consecutive bullets.
That happened the 3 last times i succedeed in doing the 2 hits + checking score at the same time.

Another weird thing is that one time i did hit consecutively the two last pipes of different color and there the second one gave the 4* scoring while it shouldnt but this situation only presented once.

I dont remember know how this was on the original but this behaviour doesnt make any sense while when its not for the 2 last pipes the *4 seems to work properly
再現手順need to clean up the screen a little bit to be able to have space shooting the pipes properly
then go on the lest position accessible to shoot the pipes
anticipate moment where you can shoot the pipes without hitting one of the mooving objects
追加情報This happened on different versions (even very old ones)