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サウンド解決済み修正済み2017-05-12 17:482018-11-06 03:40
セット fantjour, gokuparo
fantjour - 極上パロディウス -過去の栄光を求めて- / Fantastic Journey (ver EAA)
gokuparo - 極上パロディウス -過去の栄光を求めて- (ver JAD)
概 要サウンドにノイズなどが混ざる。
詳 細I have my system hooked up to a reasonably high end sound system with HDMI, providing crystal clear sound.
Fantjour/gokuparo sounds noticeably bad, especially if many samples are played at once. There are also artifacts whenever screen elements fade in on out (like the title logo)

I usually use portaudio for sound output with a latency of 2, but using default SDL audio and increased latency doesn't make a difference.
再現手順Play the game and listen to the audio
追加情報I have recorded the intro and demo that demonstrate the issue. You can see loud spikes in the waveform whenever artifacts occur.
You can listen to it here > https://soundcloud.com/ralf-van-bogaert/gokuparo (although soundcloud appears to have compressed the waveform slightly)