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DIP/入力認証済み未処理2023-06-20 09:442023-06-22 02:38
テスターBalthier担当者 ソースtaito/galastrm.cpp
セット galastrm
galastrm - ギャラクティックストーム (日本版)
概 要5キーは両方のカウンタにコインが入る。6キーはクレジットは入るがカウンタは変わらない。
詳 細The 5 key is adding coins to both counters simultaneously. 6 adds credits to the game, but no coins get counted. It acts like the Service Coin, except that if you change the coin settings in service mode (1 coin = 2 plays, 3 coins = 1 play, etc) it will reflect the changes with how many credits get added to the game, to clarify. Input test also shows that 5, 6, and 9 are functioning correctly.
再現手順1. run galastrm
2. put some coins in the machine with 5, then view the bookkeeping info in the UI. Both counters show same stats.
3. now put some coins in with 6 and view the bookkeeping info, nothing will have changed.
追加情報The start button is also very sketchy in service mode. It acts like there is a rapid fire effect applied to it, sometimes it is very hard to enter/exit certain options. One press even very quickly sometimes acts like it was double-tapped.