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DIP/入力最小解決済み修正済み2021-08-19 07:242022-11-27 00:34
修正コミット 4734781プルリク #10591
セット nbapbp, nbapbpa
nbapbpa - NBAプレイバイプレイ (ver AAB)
概 要プレイヤー3と4の入力が未実装。
詳 細Only player 1 and 2 inputs are present. Players 3 and 4 require an additional I/O board that isn't hooked up. Submitting this because of no "IMPERFECT CONTROLS" flag present.
再現手順Tab and input in game (see that no inputs for p3 and p4 are present).
追加情報Known issue. Requires hookup or HLE of a JVS I/O board connected through the main cpu's serial port. It's current implementation isn't known to do much.

Also this command in the driver init "m_maincpu->ppc4xx_spu_set_tx_handler(write8smo_delegate(*this, FUNC(hornet_state::jamma_jvs_w)));" should only be for gradius4 and nbapbp because the rest of the games never came packaged with a JVS I/O board for controls. In fact, it's possible plugging in a JVS I/O board for the games not meant for JVS can cause problems ingame (even on actual hardware).

nbapbp's 4p kit manual: http://antelopearcade.com/files/Arcade%20Manuals/NBN_PLAY_BY_PLAY_PCB_FOR_4P.PDF

Konami JVS I/O board from Windy II cab: https://www.gamestone.co.uk/gsrcade/arcade_information/konami_windy_ii/pcb/windy_ii_joystick_pod_konami_jvs_board_top.jpg