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仮承認未処理2020-01-11 16:242020-01-11 23:22
テスターxolson担当者 ソースapple/apple2e.cpp
セット apple2ee
apple2ee - Apple //e (enhanced)
概 要Apple Higt-Speed SCISカードが動作しない。
詳 細Using the Apple High-Speed SCSI card is not working, the drive is not found.

The error I get when running the Apple II HS SCSI Card Utilities 2.0 is "There are no active hard disks online".
再現手順command line used:
mame64 apple2ee -sl5 hsscsi -hard c:\apple2\Virtual.hdv -flop1 "c:\apple2\Apple II HS SCSI Card Utilities 2.0.dsk"

select option 3, "HD SC Partition" and press Return.
select option 1, "Partition SCSI Hard Disk" and press Return.

"There are no active hard disks online" message appears.

Note: The Virtual.hdv hard disk file is just a renamed Virtual.po file generated by ADTPro, it can be any file really, since it is unpartitioned for the sake of this test.