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サウンド解決済み修正済み2018-11-27 22:572021-02-28 20:57
修正コミット 95869d5プルリク #7808
セット baddudes
baddudes - ドラゴン忍者 / Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US版 revision 1)
概 要3面ボスの変身音が鳴らない。
詳 細At the stage 3 boss, when the green ninja transforms into multiple ones, he says some japanese words and then starts to split. After those words a sound effect should be played.

Discovered after checking a repaired pcb video on youtube, but I'm not sure if that pcb is the USA version or a bootleg. Anyone has a US pcb to compare?
再現手順Fight against stage 3 boss and hit him until he transforms.
追加情報-Recorded video from mame (min 6:24):

-Video from arcade pcb (min 8:36):

-Another video pcb but barely audible, (however I can hear the effect at 6:10):
添付ファイルzip filebaddudes.zip (2018-11-27 23:40)