カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック仮承認未処理2016-04-23 07:422017-03-09 00:33
テスターStHiryu担当者 ソースsega/mdconsole.cpp
セット shinobi3
shinobi3 - 忍 (set 3, System 16B) (MC-8123B 317-0054)
概 要最終ボスバトルの背景左側がずれている。
詳 細This bug was hard to notice:
When you reach the final boss battle the background changes to various horizontal and vertical lines swinging up and down, giving it the shape of a matrix. If you pay attention to the very left of the background, at the first row, you'll notice that the swinging movement is more extensive than the others. The best way to see it is with a video, so I put a link to my longplay at youtube with the bug, and another video I've found where that first row moves at the correct range. Also tested with the original euro cartridge, but the video capture isn't clear and I discarded it (With the second link you can compare without problems).
再現手順You only have to play the entire game and reach the final boss (snif)
追加情報My longplay with the backgroung bug:
From Min 58:38 --> Final Battle

Another longplay with the correct background:
From Min 49:42 --> Final Battle