カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック認証済み未処理2014-12-14 07:342014-12-14 08:33
テスターzaxxon担当者 ソースphoenix/phoenix.cpp
セット pleiads and clones
pleiads - プレアデス (Tehkan)
概 要画面下の8ラインは表示してはいけない。
詳 細Hi, i noticed while playing pleiads (clones are affected also), that when you finish the first level and then the screen scrolls vertically, that the 8 lines of gfx at the bottom of the screen disappear out of view as a block of gfx, instead of scrolling off smoothly (also, if you look closely during this scrolling sequence, you will see a line or so of gfx from the bottom of the screen being displayed at the top of the screen).
you can see the mentioned mame issue at 1 minute into the video here:

i got a friend to verify this problem by checking his original pcb, and he has provided a video where he has pulled in the screen using his monitor controls to confirm it is not a visible area issue.
the video of the pcb recording is here: (note the normal/smooth scrolling sequence after round 1)

to conclude, for mame to match the pcb, the bottom 8 lines of the screen should not be visible to the player

ps.. happy xmas guys!! thanks to all the devs and the mame team for another great year :)