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サウンド解決済み修正済み2008-01-30 16:132018-11-07 03:36
テスターGyrovision担当者 ソースnamco/galaga.cpp
セット bosco
bosco - ボスコニアン (version 5)
概 要機雷や敵基地の爆発音が鳴ると、プレイヤーのショット音が高くなる。
詳 細Notice when you shoot a space mine or destroy a base, the explosion of either one of these changes the pitch of the player's shooting sound momentarily. The explosion sound lasts only about 1-1.5 seconds but within that time you can clearly hear changes to your ship's firing sound when you continue to fire rapidly, and then the firing sound returns to normal until a mine or base is hit again or when an enemy ship collides with a mine.

Follow-up by nostos: I've double checked on an original namco pcb: the sound of the shots doesn't change the pitch while destroying a base.
添付ファイルmp3 filebosco0117u1gre.mp3 (2008-02-14 18:22)
mp3 fileBosconian-Shoot_Sound_MAME0203.mp3 (2018-11-06 21:34)