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色/パレット解決済み修正済み2009-03-14 03:262011-05-22 16:30
テスターBSR担当者 ソースtechnos/vball.cpp
セット vball, vball2pj, vballb
vball - V'BALL (US版)
vball2pj - V'BALL (日本版)
vballb - V'BALL (US版, 海賊版)
概 要二回目からの起動で、コインをすぐに入れるとゲーム選択画面が化ける。
詳 細When loading vball from MAME's game selection menu after vball was already running will corrupt the colors when quickly coining in.
再現手順Load mame.exe. Select and load vball. Exit back to game selection screen and load vball again. Coin in and start at the first title screen.
追加情報It's not necessary to coin in during the first time the game loads. The second time the game loads it's necessary to quickly coin in during the title screen before the attract demo starts.
添付ファイルpng file0003.png (2009-03-14 03:26)