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その他解決済み実機のバグ2008-02-25 00:492008-02-25 00:51
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者 ソースtechnos/xain.cpp
セット xain
xsleena - ザインドスリーナ (海外版)
概 要最初の面で、岩の部分に大きなギャップがあって、金属部分が浮いている。
詳 細On the first stage (the brown moon-like planet), around 1/3 through the stage, there is a large gap with rock and metal platforms floating. On the last metal platform, there is an enemy that gives a weapon power up if killed. If you don't kill him, and then you let him get away, he will walk away floating in the air. I don't remember seeing that on the real arcade machine. I think he should fall when he walks over the edge. The power up enemy should really jump the edge of the platform (like I remembered), but as you can see, it thinks that it's farther.
追加情報On my PCB it happens just like that, the power up guy walks in the air. - Stefan Lindberg