カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
ゲームプレイ解決済み修正済み2018-06-04 22:082021-06-10 20:19
修正コミット 7d65e37プルリク
セット tinstar
tinstar - ティンスター (A10, 4 PCB version)
概 要見えない樽に引っかかる。
詳 細When you start a new game and go straight to the bottom right side of the screen, the character lays on the floor and you cannot get up until after some time or a bullet hits you. Seems to happen only with the 1st life, after you lose a life, the problem disappears.

EDIT: changed the severity to Major because the gameplay is severely impacted by this bug.
再現手順Start a new game and go straight to the bottom right side of the screen. When you reach that position, the character will lay down on the floor.