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ゲームプレイ解決済み実機のバグ2008-02-09 21:462010-07-31 04:48
テスターgregf担当者 ソースmidw8080/mw8080bw.cpp
セット gunfight
gunfight - ガンファイト (set 1)
概 要ゲームタイマーが常に1秒進んだ状態。リセットすると2秒、もう一回すると3秒…とずれていく。
詳 細As the game starts, the countdown number timer, will always skip one second and if choosing to reset the game, on an occasion or two, the game may possibly skip by two seconds. For example, if choosing 60 seconds for play time, the game will skip number 59 and show 58 instead. Sometimes it will skip from 60 seconds to 57 seconds. This same pattern also occurs if selecting any of the longer amounts of playing time.

Explanation of bug occurrence: (from stephh)

Timer is BCD coded at address 0x2004 (range 00-90h) and there is sub-timer NOT BCD coded (range 00-22h) at address 0x2009. Each 2 frames, the sub-timer is decremented.
The timer display is updated first at once (when you press '5'), then the different sprites are displayed. Then the timer display is then updated when contents of 0x2004 change.
The "problem" is that contents of 0x2009 is not reset to 0x00 when you press '5' and it takes 90 frames to display the sprites, and in the meantime, the display timer isn't updated (but contents of 0x2004 is OK).
So, if contents of 0x2009 > 0x0b when you press '5', the display will "jump" from 60 to 58, and if contents of 0x2009 < 0x0c when you press '5', the display will "jump" from 60 to 57.